If you’re reading this, you may be wondering or already know you have depression. You’re feeling low. Some days, getting out of bed is hard because you have no energy or motivation. You try to get going and do what you need to, but you can’t. Then, you get angry at yourself. That makes you feel worse.
Counselling for Depression Takes Commitment
The good news is that most types of depression are treatable. But it takes time and commitment. And our therapists understand that and are here to help you through the process.
Common Symptoms of Depression
Common Types of Depression we Treat
People vary in how they are impacted by depression because people experience different types of this illness. Here are the main types of depression.
Major Depression is also called Clinical Depression or Major Depressive Disorder. This type can happen to anyone and any age. It’s debilitating, impacting someone’s ability to do even the most basic daily activities. This isn’t just ‘a mood’. There are strong feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. The sufferer’s view of who they are is dominated by guilt, self-blame, and shame. Notably, there can also be thoughts of suicide.
The person can feel lonely and disconnected from other people. Yet, have little interest in being around others. And they can find being around others too stressful or exhausting. Thus, they self-isolate as a way to cope. Sufferers can feel sad and tearful or agitated and angry. They can be easily annoyed and frustrated with small problems. Similarly, they can be completely discouraged by minor challenges. In fact, some individuals struggle with anxiety or become completely impassive. Clinical depression disrupts sleep. Some sufferers oversleep while others have difficulty sleeping at all. Due to the lack of energy, even small tasks can seem exhausting.
And, this illness disrupts appetite. Some people experience a complete loss of appetite, while others have cravings for specific foods, like junk food. There’s a loss of interest in things and an inability to experience joy or pleasure. Brain activity slows, making concentration and focus difficult—the ability to retain information and remember things decreases. As difficult as this type of depression can be, the latest research shows that the most effective treatment for clinical depression is anti-depressant medication combined with counselling.
Persistent Depression, Dysthymia, or Persistent Depressive Disorder is chronic and lasts several years. There are breaks in the depression lasting from several weeks to a few months. Symptoms are similar to clinical depression but less intense.
Dysthymia can fluctuate in intensity from mild, moderate to severe. However, this type can have episodes of clinical depression, sometimes called “double depression.”
As with Chronic Depression, the latest research shows that the most effective treatment for Persistent Depression is anti-depressant medication combined with counselling.
Seasonal Depression which is also referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD occurs seasonally. In the northern countries, this begins with the coming of winter and the decrease in hours of sunlight, increased cold weather, and a decrease in outdoor social activities.
Sufferers can notice a decrease in mood starting in the fall. For some, the symptoms deepen in winter. And with the coming of spring and an increase in daylight hours, SAD symptoms subside.
Symptoms are similar to persistent depression, but symptoms vary from person to person. From low energy, poor sleep, and irritability to more severe symptoms of SAD consistent with clinical depression.
Light therapy, with lights that reproduce the blue-white spectrum of light that mimics the sun-lit sky, along with medication and psychotherapy is an effective treatment.
Often, Situational Depression occurs after a significant life event or serious hardship. Things such as the loss of a loved one, a major injury or illness, financial loss, or divorce could cause this form of depression in some people.
The symptoms tend to start within a few months of a significant event or loss. Some of these symptoms include:
- experience of intense grief
- bouts of crying
- feeling hopeless and despondent
- decreased energy and motivation
- social isolation and feeling of loneliness
- inability to find enjoyment in things that were previously pleasurable
- withdrawal from usual activities
- poor concentration, focus and memory
- suicidal thoughts or wishing ‘I was dead.’
It’s normal for anyone to experience some of these feelings on occasion. If you have any of these symptoms for an extended period, then they need attention. If these symptoms make it hard for you to live your life, then you may need to get help from a qualified therapist. We can help you resolve those problems with counselling for depression.

Our Approach to Depression Therapy
Is There an Effective Treatment for Depression?
The good news is that with decades of research into this very debilitating illness, counselling helps people work through their depression.
If you’re dealing with depression, you may believe or been told that ‘you just need to push yourself’ or ‘be more positive’ or other advice that doesn’t really help. What we know today is that the causes of depression are chemical, physiological and neurological in nature.
One theory is that depression is based on chemical changes in the brain that directly affect mood and thinking patterns. And we can all understand how powerful specific chemicals can be in changing our thoughts and mood, just think of someone drinking alcohol, or someone who’s smoking marijuana. The changes are obvious.
Depression is caused by a decrease in chemical in the brain—neurochemicals—that are involved in managing mood. And for some people using antidepressant medication combined with talk therapy has a high success rate. But, antidepressants are not for everyone.
Another major theory that has had a lot of success how are thoughts–how and what we think about–affects us. And this is where therapy can really make a difference for you. We know that there are specific styles of thinking that can create a depressed mood.
Most of us have had that experience where we found ourselves stuck in negative thoughts about something and felt the downward pull on our mood and outlook. For people who aren’t depressed, they’re able to notice negative thoughts, shift their thinking and pull themselves out of a sinking mood. What’s different for depression is that those thoughts dominate your thinking. The leads to low mood. Low mood leads to more negative thoughts.
Another way that our thoughts can lead to a depressed state is how we talk to ourselves. Being critical of yourself or having unrealistic expectation of yourself creates disappointment. Even if you get angry at yourself, it just doesn’t work. And you feel a whole lot worse. So understanding and changing the negative ways you view yourself has a positive impact on how you feel.
How do I start counselling for depression in Winnipeg?
If you’re ready to start counselling for depression, we’re ready to help you. You can book online, fill out the online form, or call us. Our Client Care Coordinator can answer your questions, see if one of our therapists might be a good fit, or help you start as soon as possible.
Other Services Offered at My Winnipeg Therapist
In addition to counselling for depression, My Winnipeg Therapist also offers a variety of mental health services. Our therapists offer specialized counselling for men and male youth, relationship counselling, marriage counselling, anxiety treatment, PTSD treatment and trauma counselling, and low self-esteem counselling. Contact our Winnipeg counselling clinic today to get the help you need to move forward with confidence.